
What makes our silicone RFID wristbands completely safe?

What makes our silicone RFID wristbands completely safe?

Our customers often ask us if our RFID wristbands are absolutely safe. As it turned out, clients of fitness clubs, swimming pools and water parks often complain of allergies caused by wristbands of other brands. We have tested the wristbands used in several fitness clubs and found out the reason. Let's try to figure this all out.

The Clasp Really Matters Much

We noticed that some RFID wristbands produced by other manufacturers have metal clasps. Protective coating wears out over time, and the metal begins to oxidize. Because of this, the clasp loses its attractive shiny appearance and looks dull and grey.

Moreover, it causes allergic reactions. Some clients experience irritation on the sensitive skin after playing sports or swimming.

All these troubles can be avoided very easily by using RFID wristbands with plastic clasps. The ENTERCAM Company has been using plastic clasps in production of RFID wristbands for quite a long time. All our silicone models are equipped with ABS plastic clasps.

RFID silicone wristbands with plastic clasps are completely safe. They do not wear out over time, do not oxidize, and therefore do not cause allergies. Even children can wear such chip bracelets every day. No irritation or itching!

The plastic is pleasant to the touch

All ABS plastic clasps designed for RFID silicone wristbands are smooth to the touch. The wristbands are easy to fasten and pleasant to wear. They do not cause discomfort.

Besides, plastic clasps, like metal ones, are very strong and durable. They can withstand heavy loads without breaking. That is why they will last for quite a long time.

Plastic wristband clasps retain their properties even in the most adverse environment. They are frost and heat resistant. They neither melt, nor become brittle.

Besides, the ABS plastic clasps are water resistant. You can safely swim, take a shower and ride down the water slides with your RFID wristband on. The plastic clasp does not have any protective coating, which can wash off or wear out over time, like a metal one. Its color will remain as bright and deep as immediately after production.

Rich Shades Will Make Your Day

Unlike metal clasps, which are available in just one color, plastic ones can be painted in different shades. We offer plastic clasps of the following shades:

  • red,
  • black,
  • white,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • green,
  • silver.

All shades are bright and vigorous. They do not fade over time.

Our bright plastic clasps complement silicone wristbands perfectly. You may prefer neutral shades to complement the design of our RFID wristbands, or choose bright contrasting colors. In this case, the clasp will highlight your image and attract your customers' attention.

Give up metal clasps and enjoy new experience with our RFID wristbands with plastic clasps. Let your customers be confident in the safety of your ID devices and enjoy wearing them for a long time.