
What benefits do key wristbands offer hotel clients and owners?

What benefits do key wristbands offer hotel clients and owners?

A large number of hotels and resorts have switched to using RFID wristbands instead of smart cards. Let's discuss the benefits of RFID wristbands for hotel clients and owners. Then we'll try to find out which chip wristbands are most suitable for hotels and resorts, and what aspects are important to consider before ordering.

What hotels and resorts are RFID wristbands suitable for?

Contactless chip wristbands can be used as IDs of customers and employees of hotels and resorts in which such electronic locks as Orbita, VingCard, Salto, Tesa, and Bonwin are installed. You can get your wristbands programmed after placing an order.

Our RFID wristbands can be used both by customers and by employees. As for the latter, RFID wristbands will certainly increase their performance and make them work more efficiently. You can even reduce the number of personnel to some extent, and, consequently, the payroll amount.

What types of wristbands are available and which of them will be the best choice for hotels?

First of all, all chip wristbands differ in the material they are made of. Silicone and vinyl wristbands are the most popular models. Always select a model based on its specification. If you need multi-use RFID wristbands for any wrist size, order silicone ones. But if you need single-use wristbands, vinyl will be your best choice.

Beside the material, our wristbands also differ in size. As a rule, they are available in men's, women's and children's sizes. But we also offer one-size-fits-all silicone wristbands. Unlike previous models, it has an increased number of holes and a cutting line. You can easily shorten the strap by cutting off its excessive length. The wristband strap has an index box, in which you can print your guest's room number so that he does not forget it.

Order silicone RFID NFC wristbands in different colors to distinguish the staff from the guests. Our rich color palette will help you choose the right shade. Beside single-color models, we offer double-color silicone models that have halves colored in different shades. We also offer fascinating combined smart silicon wristbands colored in two to five various shades. They look formal and exquisite, and attract the guests' attention.

What are the advantages of contactless wristbands, and what are their benefits for their owners?

It's not a secret that electronic keys to hotel rooms designed as chip wristbands are undoubtedly more convenient than other ID devices. RFID wristbands are fixed tightly on the wrist, they do not get unfastened and do not pinch. Your guests can take a shower, go about their routine business, or visit a hotel spa with their wristbands on. We install vandal-proof chips inside our wristbands, which are also shock and water proof, heat resistant and can be dropped from hight. Our RFID wristbands can be washed with water and aggressive detergents.

RFID wristbands can be read by the same types of readers as smart cards. The reading distance is up to 10 cm. It is not necessary to tap the wristband directly on the electronic lock, just hold it against a reader for a second. Our wristbands are very strong. You need to make a serious effort to break a wristband. Besides, fabric and silicone models are very flexible. Silicone wristbands with locking clasps withstand a tensile stress of up to 45 kg at the narrowest place. Can you imagine how strong and durable such RFID wristbands are?

The radio frequency wristbands are designed to lock and unlock the room doors without mechanical keys, and to pass through turnstiles at the hotel entrance. Your guests can participate in the loyalty programs, visit spas or restaurants, and park their cars with our RFID wristbands.

Hotel owners can use our RFID wristbands to:

  • track the movement of personnel;
  • receive information about available rooms;
  • control access to the restricted areas;
  • change access codes when new guests check in;
  • keep track of working hours.

What aspects are important to consider when placing an order?

When ordering RFID wristbands, pay special attention to the materials they are made from, because some low quality materials can cause allergies. In this case, you can save on ID devices but will get negative reviews. Always ask your supplier to show you quality certificates for the material used in production.