
RFID Wristbands For Golf Courses – Making the Right Choice

RFID Wristbands For Golf Courses – Making the Right Choice

Every year golf becomes more and more popular. Fresh air, fascinating views, green fields and the very pace of the game – all this is rather soothing and allows golf players to escape from everyday problems. Besides, there are no contraindications or restrictions for playing golf. It's a great game that can be played with a large variety of people.

The golf course owners are faced with the task of making the clients' stay as comfortable as possible, equipping the course, organizing the space and choosing comfortable and functional furniture for the changing rooms. Lockers and benches require special attention. Lockers should be spacious enough, but at the same time compact and match the interior. Besides, they should be easy to open and close with electronic locks, which provides maximum security for storing belongings and inventory.

It is also important to provide for convenient ID devices. Players often drop their smart cards, mechanical keys or key fobs on the field. As for RFID wristbands, they are always securely fixed on the wrist. They will not unfasten and fall down during play and will not hinder movement. Fabric RFID wristbands are the best choice for gulf courses. They look like standard wristbands we are used to. However, they have chip tags embedded inside and covered with protective varnish. The coating protects the RFID tag from water and temperature drops.

Fabric chip wristbands are stain resistant. However, one can't avoid getting dirty in the game that lasts for hours. You can machine wash your RFID wristband to keep it clean. Besides, it is resistant to aggressive detergents, and you can safely add powder or other detergents to wash it. All stitches are very neat, making the wristband look pretty and stylish on the wrist. They stretch perfectly because the nylon they are made from is a very elastic fabric.

Contactless wristbands are much more than just electronic keys to changing room lockers. They can also be used as payment devices. For example, if your clients want to order some food or drinks, they can pay for them with their wristbands. They won't have to go back to the changing room to get their cash. Such payments will be safe, because they completely exclude possible violations by staff or customers. It is enough to tap an RFID wristband on the reader to pay for the food or drinks. Besides, one can rent golf clubs, bags and other equipment with their RFID wristband. Nothing will ever be lost or mislaid, and if the equipment is damaged, it will be easy to find the player responsible for that. Opening or locking the inventory locker will also take a couple of seconds. Just tap your wristband on the lock and check if the door has opened/closed.

Electronic locks cannot be broken, which means that your guests' belongings will be available only to them. Offenders will never be able to copy or counterfeit electronic wristbands. They are securely protected with DES and AES cryptographic keys. You and your clients have nothing to worry about, because no one will ever be able to access the golf equipment and belongings of your guests without your knowledge of that. All information about each opening and closing is stored in the lock memory.

If it so happens that the chip wristband is lost, the administrator always has a master key to open any lock. Besides, all chips within the same family can be re-encoded up to a hundred thousand times, you can easily encode a new ID device or reprogram any other chip.

Fabric RFID wristbands are stylish branded accessories. They can be printed with the golf company logo and variable data. Printed customization will not wear off or fade over time. The fabric radio frequency wristband will always look as good as new and delight customers with its ease of use and stylish design. A wide range of sizes will be of great help to the golf course owners who want to offer chip bracelets even to the youngest golf players. You can come up with a specific design to be easily distinguished from the ID wristbands used by adult players.